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Hier finden Sie viele interessante Artikel aus der Welt des Online-Marketings

Beware of UTM parameters when importing costs from Heureka to Google Analytics

Sometimes, even if you import costs from Heureka into AdWords, they may not be well matched if you don’t have UTM parameters.  In the example below, we see that an import with “lower case” utm parameters did not match the “upper case” utm parameters that the client has historically sent to Analytics.

Pavol Adamčák: 3 tips for success heard at Agency Day 2017

Our CEO Pavol Adamčák was given the opportunity to present the success story of his ui42 Digital (new Dexfinity)  as the only speaker from cz / sk agencies. Among other cool agencies from around the world, such as Jellyfish and Finch, he explained how ui42 Digital managed to grow 5x faster year-on-year by focusing on their clients’ exporting efforts.

Complete reconstruction of AdWords account structure? Use Magic!

Clients often think that in order for an account to be managed by MagicScript, it is necessary that the account’s structure is already well-developed and stable; however, it is an unnecessary concern. MagicScript works well, even when the account is going under structural changes, be it minor or dramatic.

Do NOT waste your money algorithm

Every click on Google is piece of data you can collect. Putting these pieces together and into context has tremendous value. But are you aware of how much does your AdWords data cost?

Magic Margin™ – algorithm using profit margins for PPC ad management

During the communication with our clients, we constantly face a particular problem. The client is aware that in the current competitive environment it would be a great advantage to establish the management of the PPC advertisement not on the basis of turnover (overall value of orders), but on the profit margin of orders.

Magic Margin™ – doubling the margin in practice

Are you interested in a technical solution for managing PPC ads on margin? Would you like to see for yourself how the implementation of this solution could help you? Then this article is right for you!

Heureka account audit by Magic

The basis of success is to correctly evaluate your situation. In this article, we prepared a basic example of Heureka audit, with which we help our clients to evaluate their current situation and start to develop their account.